January 12, 2023

Games Like Red Dead Redemption 2


Games Like Red Dead Redemption 2The finest games like Red Dead Redemption 2 can support you get swept up in sprawling adventures, draw you into the world of the wild west, or deliver an experience that is not a million miles away from the escapades of Arthur Morgan.


As one of the best open-world games and best RPGs around, Red Dead Redemption 2 is easy to get lost in, with an expansive setting, surprising random examples, and an engrossing main campaign framed by many side quests.

But once you’re ready to part ways with Arthur for a spell and step into something new, you might find yourself observing games like Red Dead Redemption 2 to scratch the same itch.

Games Like Red Dead Redemption 2

Games Like Red Dead Redemption 2


Whether you love the wild west and want to keep your cowboy hat on, or you’re after another big adventure, there are sufficient great alternatives out there for you to explore.

So, saddle up as we take you through the finest games like Red Dead Redemption 2 you will be able to play right now. 

If you want to know more about the games like Red Dead Redemption 2 then read this article carefully.

Here are the Games Like Red Dead Redemption 2:

  • Red Dead Revolver

Now, take a trip back to 2004 and see where the Red Dead series is on track in this Revolver PSN port that still holds up with impeccable form. What it lacks in open-world structure it makes up for in cinematic style. Switching between protagonists through the story, your main rogue is Red Harlow, a deadly bounty hunter whose parents were killed by the vicious Colonel Daren. An adrenaline-pumping revenge story that is always presenting a fun new mechanic, Revolver focuses on highlighting its arcade shooting style, excellent dueling mini-game, and mission variety, which will be a refreshing jolt of fun for Red Dead Redemption fans, particularly if they loved the combat within their adored Rockstar western.

  • Gun

You might or might not have heard of GUN, depending on how old you were around the dawn of the last console generation. Whilst Red Dead Redemption bookended the heyday of the Xbox 360/PS3, Gun kicked it all off. In a pre-Red Dead world, Gun was an intensely ambitious and accurate Wild West simulator, crafted by Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater legends Neversoft. With satisfying, crunchy combat and a reactive open world, it’s still well worth a punt for the very cool bullet-time ‘Deadeye’ system alone if you can deal with the admittedly dated graphics. In any case, it’s viable as a history lesson, and another motivating take on the third-person open-world western, a fairly limited genre.

  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

A definitely absurd twist for the series, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is an arcade shooter from Techland of Dead Island and Dying Light fame. Leaning into the stories and tall tales that gave cowboys and the old west their infamous name, you play as a bounty hunter mopping up the likes of Billy the Kid and Jesse James. The kicker is that this is all communicated during a drunken exchange at the bar, with our untrustworthy narrator spoofing the tropes and prodding his memory of the Old West during his account. It makes for a much more light-hearted affair than Red Dead Redemption’s often-grisly tone. 

  • West of Loathing

Speaking of absurdism, West of Loathing is a lately released indie darling from the team behind the hilarious cult browser RPG Kingdom of Loathing. Instead of giving vague fantasy tropes, this time around the stick figure world is beached in the Old West. As well as being a belly laugh a minute, West of Loathing is an astonishingly deep RPG with a goof-filled open world and a bean-slinging protagonist. If you’re weary of Red Dead’s tricky controls and just want something simple, appealing, and extremely well-written and humorous whilst still grounded in the outlaw lifestyle, you cannot go wrong with West of Loathing and its hooking turn-based combat.

  • Bully: Scholarship Edition

If you appreciate Rockstar’s tongue-in-cheek writing style and the more zany of the Strangers and Freaks side missions in Red Dead Redemption, you will love Bully and its technical, character-driven world. Like Marston, Jimmy Hopkins is an outlaw in his own right, just located in a different setting, that of the notoriously strict Bullworth Academy. Instead of finding old gang members, you’re working through teams of high school stereotypes, uprooting corruption at the core. Another detailed open world full of collectibles and unique weapons, Bully: Scholarship Edition is another finesse-filled Rockstar story that’s well worth playing.

  • Fallout: New Vegas

New Vegas might not be a Western in precise terms, but it sure feels like one, right? A mysterious courier left for dead in the middle of an unforgiving desert… Factions of outlaws vying for control and ancient guns that love to jam. Aside from the thematic comparisons and old-world vibes, Fallout: New Vegas is another extremely detailed open world with a gripping story, one that you can tinker with to your heart’s content on PC with the excellent modding scene. That’s only after you’ve finished exploring, wrapping up the generous side quests, and engaging with the troupe of colorful companions who will join you on this adventure, which is made to be played numerous times. It really is one of the finest Fallout games of all time. 

  • Grand Theft Auto 5

GTA 5 isn’t set in the wild west – though some Los Santos neighborhoods would give the American Frontier a run for its cash – but it does share several of the Rockstar traits that raise it above the rest. San Andreas isn’t anywhere near as big or exciting an open world as Red Dead Redemption 2’s old west, but it is brimming with side ventures, business chances, and hedonistic disruptions that will keep you coming back for more and a lot more. 

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