August 12, 2023

Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth 2023 + Updates


Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth 2023 – The intriguing world of entrepreneurship and innovation is often filled with stories that can captivate our imagination, inspire our ambitions, and offer lessons in both success and failure.


The story of Ten Thirty One Productions as presented on Shark Tank is one such narrative. Here’s an in-depth look into the journey of Ten Thirty One Productions, from its conception to its appearance on Shark Tank and what followed thereafter.

Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth 2023

Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth


What Is Ten Thirty One Productions?

Company Name Ten Thirty One Productions
Entrepreneur Melissa Carbone
Product / Business Hummus with dessert flavors based on chickpeas
Investment Asking For $2,000,000 for a 10% stake in Ten Thirty One Productions
Final Deal $2,000,000 for a 20% stake in Ten Thirty One Productions
Shark Mark Cuban
Episode  Season 5, Episode 6
Business Status Acquired
Website Visit Website

Ten Thirty One Productions is an entertainment company specializing in creating live horror attractions, most notably, the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride.

These attractions weren’t your run-of-the-mill haunted houses. Instead, they were large-scale events that combined elements of theater, special effects, and interactive features to provide attendees with a unique and chilling experience.

It’s a fusion of imaginative storytelling, detailed set designs, and a palpable atmosphere that brings every horror fan’s dreams – or nightmares – to life.

Who Is the Founder Of Ten Thirty One Productions?

The innovative mind behind Ten Thirty One Productions is Melissa Carbone. A spirited entrepreneur with a penchant for the horror genre, Carbone’s passion and business acumen have been pivotal in bringing her spooky visions to life.

Melissa was determined to give people an unmatched live horror experience, and in this quest, she created Ten Thirty One Productions.

Ten Thirty One Productions Before Shark Tank

Before venturing into the Shark Tank, Ten Thirty One Productions had already made a name for itself, particularly in the Los Angeles area. The Los Angeles Haunted Hayride, their flagship attraction, saw consistent growth year after year.

This success was due in large part to the production’s ability to re-imagine and re-invent their themes annually, ensuring that patrons would get a new experience every time.

However, like many businesses, scaling and expansion require capital. Melissa realized that to take Ten Thirty One Productions to the next level and cater to a national audience, she would need not just funds but also strategic advice. This realization led her to Shark Tank.

How was the Shark Tank Pitch Of Ten Thirty One Productions?

Carbone’s pitch on Shark Tank was memorable not just for her business’s uniqueness but also for the ambition she presented. Asking for $2 million in exchange for a 10% stake in her company, it was one of the biggest asks the show had seen. She passionately described the success of her ventures and her vision for the future, including expanding to other major cities and diversifying the types of attractions.

The Sharks were intrigued. The numbers she presented, backed by the clear demand for her attractions, made many of them seriously consider the proposal. After a series of negotiations, Mark Cuban, known for his bold investments, offered her $2 million for a 20% stake in the company, doubling the equity she initially proposed.

The deal was sealed, marking one of the most significant investments in Shark Tank history.

What Happened To Ten Thirty One Productions After Shark Tank?

The investment from Mark Cuban had a catalytic effect on Ten Thirty One Productions. With the influx of funds and strategic guidance, the company expanded its attractions to New York and introduced new experiences like the Great Horror Campout.

Media coverage from Shark Tank also provided a promotional boost, drawing more attendees to their events and raising the company’s profile in the live entertainment industry.

Ten Thirty One Productions Shark Tank Update

A few years after its appearance on Shark Tank, the company continued its growth trajectory. They diversified their offerings, established a more significant presence in major cities, and became a name synonymous with top-tier live horror entertainment.

However, with growth also came challenges. There were operational hiccups, logistical issues, and the ever-present challenge of staying fresh and innovative in a rapidly evolving entertainment landscape.

Is Ten Thirty One Productions Still In Business?

As of the last update, Ten Thirty One Productions is still in business, albeit with a few changes in its operational model. The company has been focusing more on its flagship attractions and has scaled back on some of the newer ventures.

This strategic move ensures that the quality of their main attractions remains top-notch and that they continue to offer a memorable experience to their patrons.

Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth 2023

The net worth of Ten Thirty One Productions is unknown as of 2023 since the company got acquired.

However, given the consistent popularity of its attractions, lucrative partnerships, and strategic investment from Mark Cuban, it’s safe to assume that the company has seen significant financial growth since its inception.

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The journey of Ten Thirty One Productions is a testament to the power of innovation, passion, and strategic partnerships. From its humble beginnings to the grand stage of Shark Tank and beyond, the company’s story serves as inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere.

The world of live horror entertainment may be niche, but as Ten Thirty One Productions shows, with the right vision and execution, even the most specific sectors can see astounding success.

Also, you got to know the Ten Thirty One Productions Net Worth 2023 and the latest updates, if you still have any queries or feedback then drop your queries.

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